
Search results

  1. Spur Blight of Red Raspberries

    PLPATH-FRU-28 Agriculture and Natural Resources 04/15/2016 Michael A. Ellis, Department of Plant ... important for improving air circulation within the planting. Wild brambles, especially wild red raspberries, ...

  2. Processed Meats, Red Meats and Colorectal Cancer Risk

    causing cancer, from food to chemicals to natural substances. This agency publishes a journal called The ... mice have provided possible causal explanations. These possible explanations include five ideas: High ... Heme iron (naturally found in animal muscles and blood cells) initiates the natural formation of ...

  3. Teaching Children to Resolve Conflict

    needs. To negotiate fair solutions, children need to know how others feel. Generating ideas for solutions ... phrased this way, children get the idea that the needs of both are important. Stress the Importance of ... the ideas they can, evaluate the consequences. Ask them, "What might happen if you …?" or, ...

  4. Orange Rust of Brambles

    PLPATH-FRU-30 Agriculture and Natural Resources 06/20/2017 Melanie L. Lewis Ivey, Assistant ... Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster In the ... infected canes or from spores blown by the wind from nearby brambles—either other fields or wild brambles. ...

  5. Managing for Bobwhite Quail in Ohio's Agricultural Landscape

    be concerned about inbreeding, especially because bobwhites and other wild animals have natural ... W-27 11/21/2013 Marjorie Liberati, Graduate Associate, School of Environment and Natural ... Resources, The Ohio State University Adam Janke, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Natural Resource ...

  6. Wild Mushrooms

    plant disease hyg-3303 wild mushrooms ohio mushrooms edible mushrooms mushrooms Agriculture and Natural ... PLPATH-GEN-11 Agriculture and Natural Resources 03/04/2014 Sarah Ellis Williams, Department of ... Sturgeon, Field Mycologist There are 2,000 or more kinds of wild mushrooms in Ohio. Some are poisonous, and ...

  7. First Grade: Children's Friendships

    group activities such as sports, dance classes, art or nature classes, or special-interest clubs are ... might also like ideas and resources the counselor may suggest. Friendship Bubbles Playing with soap ... York University Child Study Center. PDF. Gurian, Anita, and Alice Pope. 2009. "Do Kids Need ...

  8. Radish as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    ANR-0125 Agriculture and Natural Resources 04/10/2023 Sarah Noggle; Educator; Food, Agriculture, ... required to follow Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Appendix A regarding seeding rates and ... season. Other plants may be smothered if radish is planted too heavy. It produces a natural herbicide ...

  9. Pollinator Quick Guide: What You Can Do to Help Pollinators

    ENT-78 Agriculture and Natural Resources 02/13/2017 Denise Ellsworth, Department of Entomology ... including Ohio native plants.     Native mountain mint (center) is a favorite nectar source of many ... management (IPM) approach to reduce pest pressure. Key Plants for Pollinators Fall-blooming aster Wild ...

  10. Cane Blight of Raspberries

    PLPATH-FRU-10 Agriculture and Natural Resources 04/15/2016 Michael A. Ellis, Department of Plant ... to dry quicker after wet periods, and reduces the chance of infection. Wild brambles, especially wild ...
