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Dr. Ken Lee named 2014 recipient of the Harold Macy Award
and a Founding Member of IFT. Ken Lee is director of the Food Innovation Center at The Ohio ...
Join Fellow CFAES Alumni at Upcoming Events
The CFAES Alumni Society Board has two great September events in Columbus lined up for their fellow alumni! Books and Brews: CFAES Scholarship Fundraiser & Networking on September 27 Join the CFAES Alumni Society for a unique and fun scholarship fundr ...
Roommate Memories
Andrew Wiley, a 2006 Construction Systems Management alum, and Mike Simpson, a 1968 graduate of the Animal Sciences program, told us about their roommates. ...
runoff from manure ponds, sewage; Natural erosion of earth materials TREATMENT OPTIONS Reverse Osmosis ...
Volunteer to Help Students Move In
Both Columbus and Newark campuses could use a few good volunteers to help students move into their dorms next month. There are two main volunteer jobs for Columbus campus: Welcoming committee volunteers are placed in the staging lots to greet parents and ...
GENERAL INFORMATION Beryllium naturally enters surface water and ground water through the ...
GENERAL INFORMATION Sulfate is a substance that occurs naturally in drinking water. HEALTH EFFECTS ...
Meet the Newest Members of the CFAES Alumni Society Board
The CFAES Alumni Society Board of Directors recently held elections for four open board representative positions. Let us introduce you to the newest board members. ...
Study Abroad Memories
In the last CFAES Connect, we asked alums to share their memories of educational abroad opportunities. Amanda Folck and Margo Freed shared how their experiences shaped their lives. ...
Ohio Ag Hall of Fame inductees have CFAES ties
ceremony Aug. 5 at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus. “Our board is extraordinarily pleased to be honoring ...