
Search results

  1. The Ohio State University 2016 Health Sciences Majors Fair

    An undergraduate or graduate degree in one of the many health sciences majors available at The Ohio State University will enable you to become an active member of the health care team. Graduates of these programs work in a variety of settings, including t ...

  2. Coffee Hour with Citation Needed

    Let’s talk about GMO’s! Are they good or bad? Are they healthy or dangerous? Why do we use them? Join Citation Needed for an engaging discussion about this controversial topic in food and agriculture! Bring your questions and opinions. They will provide t ...

  3. Diversity Student Outreach and Recruitment Advisory Group

    Do you have an interest in supporting the outreach and recruitment of underrepresented students to The Ohio State University? Have you thought about how you can contribute to recruiting and supporting a diverse campus community? If yes, then join the Offi ...

  4. Apply to Towers

    Towers Agricultural Honorary is once again accepting applications for membership in their Honorary organization. Online Application for admission to Towers closes on Oct. 17 at 5pm. If you have any questions please contact: Aislinn Latham at latham.112@os ...

  5. New Club – Ducks Unlimited

    Ducks Unlimited Chapter at The Ohio State University will be having a meeting on Tuesday, October 11 at 6pm in Kottman 334. We will be discussing future events and membership information. Hunting season is upon us and we would like to organize group hunts ...

  6. Animal Welfare Judging Team

    Interested in scientifically assessing animal welfare? Be a part of the undergraduate Animal Welfare Judging Team! We are competing at the Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Judging/Assessment Contest at Ohio State November 12-13. This year we will be assessi ...

  7. Battelle Recruitment Visit

    Attention Students! Battelle Memorial Institute is hosting an information session, Tuesday, October 4 from 7-8pm in the Animal Science Building Arena. Attend this session to learn about Battelle, hear testimonials from current employees, and get informati ...

  8. Animal Welfare and Behavior Club Meeting

    AWBC would lke to invite any Animal Sciences student to attend their next meeting! It will be held  October 6th at 5:30 in Animal Science Building room 210. Mr. Frost from the Ohio Department of Agriculture will be speaking. As always, free pizza will be ...

  9. Buckeye Royal Showmanship Club

    This year's Buckeye Royal Showmanship Contest presented by Buckeye Dairy Club is right around the corner. If you are interested in spending working with and spending quality time with a heifer out at the OSU Waterman Dairy Farm facility, this is the ...

  10. Animal Sciences Clothing Order

    It’s that time of year again that we are selling embroidered and screen print departmental clothing items!  See the attached embroidered  and screen print order forms.   All orders are due by Friday, October 7th at 5:00 pm in Plumb Hall 116.  The opportun ...
