
Search results

  1. Insect Night at Secrest Arboretum

    for kids of all ages and their families at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center ...

  2. Denman Undergraduate Research Forum

    Forum  on March 25, 2015. The Forum is 12-3pm in the Recreation & Physical Activities Center (RPAC). ...

  3. Your Pond Update from Eugene Braig

    state.) Treating large areas of vegetation with herbicides or an excessive natural die off of aquatic ... vegetation within a pond that has an appropriate expanse of deep water will have a natural resistance to ... pond’s ice free of snow (the Ohio Department of Natural Resources recommends snow removal from at least ...

  4. Survey of Flavor Science Short Course

    Overview: The Flavor Research and Education Center is proud to be partnering with the American ...

  5. Can fish see the bait on the hook? New grant helps to answer this question.

    School of Environment and Natural Resources assistant professor Suzanne Gray was recently awarded ...

  6. New Healthy Soil Program Launched

    natural resources educator in OSU Extension’s Wood County office. Although standard soil testing in fields ...

  7. Nature vs. Nurture Tree ID

    Being able to properly identify trees is a critical part of any diagnostic exercise.  However, while there are dichotomous keys that can help idendify native trees there is no such document when it comes to horticultural taxa.  This class will introduce s ...

  8. EPN October Breakfast

    and Light. It will be held at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. To register or learn ...

  9. Environmental & Sustainability Career Expo- Winter 2015

    School of Environment and Natural Resources are encouraged to attend. This event is also open to any ...

  10. TWEL Debra Scott Thesis

    Advisor: Stanley D. Gehrt   Thesis   Urban expansion fragments natural habitats, which can increase ... draintile disablement, and deer management) natural areas in metropolitan areas, which led to changes in ...
