
Search results

  1. Midwest Powering our Future Forum

    generation, opportunities for other electricity sources like nuclear, natural gas and renewable energy, ...

  2. SENR Autumn 2014 Seminar Series

    seminar is co-sponsored by the OSU Center for Latin American Studies. The SENR Seminar begins at 4:10 p.m ...

  3. Wetland Ecology Class Offers Hands-On Learning

    Hands-on learning has gained attention in recent years, and the School of Environment and Natural ...

  4. SENR Honors Thesis Presentation: In Vitro Tests of Environmental Variables

    of this study was to further examine the habitats of migratory waterfowl as a natural reservoir for ...

  5. EPN 2nd Tuesdays Breakfast Club

    The EPN welcomes Dr. Joseph Fiksel, Executive Director, OSU Center for Resilience and U.S. EPA ...

  6. Jim Grossman Public Lecture

    for graduate students outside of the academy at the Wexner Center for the Arts Film/Video Theater. ...

  7. Selling Timber? Consider This...

    This class will be held at the University of Akron Medina County University Center in Medina, Ohio. ...

  8. SWITCH-Discover the Future of Energy

    Energy at the Wexner Center Film Theater.  This documentary details where our energy comes from and why ...

  9. Autumn 2013 SENR Seminar Series

    a Broader Understanding of Scalar Re-Organisation of Natural Resource Governance: Determining Factors and ...

  10. Building African Food Security One Student at a Time

    a doctoral candidate in the college’s School of Environment and Natural Resources, started his studies at ... that if you help a woman, you help the entire country.”   Massawe said that the dual nature of the ...
