
Search results

  1. OSU Extension at Piketon South Centers

    1864 Shyville Road Piketon Ohio 45661 740-289-2071 740-289-4591 Visit South Centers website Other ...

  2. Appalachian Table: Where Local Food Producers and Buyers Meet

    Food Producers and Buyers Meet event at the OSU South Centers in Piketon. If you are a local producer ...

  3. How Prepared Are You for a Potential Grain Engulfment?

    look for a map kiosk at the trailhead as you set out on a hike at the nature preserve. All of those ... that have never operated the equipment might not have any idea where to begin to shut everything down. ...

  4. Reuse of OSU Extension Materials

    nature has been developed. The OSU Extension policy of provision of a SINGLE reference copy to an ...

  5. State 4-H Professionals' Update

    RMRW update, Marketing Online Resource Center, 4-H camping announcements, new brand standards, 990 ...

  6. Henry County Office

    104 E Washington St, Suite 302 Hahn Center Napoleon Ohio 43545 419-592-0806 419-592-8750 Visit the ...

  7. Public Issues Leadership Development Conference

    organizations include: Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP), Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP), ...

  8. Reducing the Risk of Back Injuries

    agricultural industry because of the physical nature of work and the vast array of tasks associated with ...

  9. Research Navigation Symposium

    Research, and CFAES Finance Office will be at OSU South Centers presenting on various research-related ...

  10. Visioning OSUE 2035

    part to keep the conversation going! Discover: Read and explore the ideas generated from the VP ...
