
Search results

  1. Grad Cap Decoration Station

    The ATI Library is creating a Decoration Station for our graduates who plan to participate in commencement. If you have anything you would like to donate we would be appreciative. ...

  2. New Blog Posts: Living on Campus and Program Excel

    Check out the newest blog posts on Buckeye Voices from Ohio State ATI. Marshall Firestone relates his experience with Program Excel, and Kayleigh Metz talks about living on campus.  ...

  3. Preparing Your Thesis

    appropriate to duplicate in the thesis. Depending on the nature of your research project, your thesis could ...

  4. 4-H Cloverbuds & State Fair Workshop

    p.m. Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center Auditorium, Columbus Campus This is a professional ...

  5. Inequality, Economic Justice, and the Road to Food Security: A Special Seminar

    The Agroecosystems Management Program of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center of ...

  6. Climate Change and Extreme Weather: Challenges to Resiliency and Sustainability

    Climate Research Center, who will present Climate Change and Extreme Weather: Challenges to Resiliency and ... Meteorology Group at the Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center (BPCRC) of The Ohio State University. ...

  7. Hedonic Valuation of Oil and Gas Rights in Belmont County, Ohio

    have led to an influx of natural gas exploration and production throughout the United States. Prior to ...

  8. Cross Border Troubles? Interstate River Conflicts and Intrastate Violence then register for it at Where: Mershon Center for ...

  9. Environmental Science Student Symposium Is Wednesday at Ohio State

    Environment and Natural Resources  (SENR), will present posters on their final projects. The symposium program ...

  10. Olivia Smith Graduate Defense Seminar

    what habitat factors drive fall dispersal. The average shift from the center of the summer home range ... to the center of the winter home range was 515 ± 139 (SE) m (n = 26). The model with the most support ...
