
Search results

  1. Insect Symbioses

    species and other organisms that are commonplace in nature. Prereq: Biology 1113, 1113H, 1114, or 1114 H. ...

  2. Sumita Sen

    Lab is perfect for me to develop and express my ideas, learn from exceptional people, conduct critical ...

  3. Biology of Insects, Animals & Fungi Affecting Buildings

    (101), 3000 (500), 4000 (500), or 4600. GE nat sci bio course. GE foundation natural sci course. ...

  4. Insect Biology

    3000, 4000, or 4600. GE nat sci bio course. GE foundation natural sci course. Course offered in spring ...

  5. Go Fourth with the BUGmobile: A Block Party for All

    Columbus Wildlife Center  ambassador animals Budd’s Bazaar Vendor’s Market Get up close and personal with ...

  6. Insects and Human Affairs: Pests, Plagues, Poisons and Politics

    applications. GE nat sci bio course. GE foundation natural sci course. Undergraduate 3.0 ENTMLGY 2101 Syllabus ...

  7. BUGmobile joins the Franklin County Metroparks Butterfly Weekend

    by the nature center 10am-1pm Labor Day Weekend. We will have a daily puppet show, crafts, games, ...

  8. Dr. Laura Lindsey

    University (2012) MS Soil Science- The Ohio State University (2009) BS Environment & Natural Resources- ...

  9. Undergraduate Research

    project ideas, research schedule, expectations, and credit hours Be sure to ask your faculty mentor about ...  is an annual convention hosted at OSU centered around topics in plant science.     Additional ...

  10. Art with Arthropods at the United Titanium Bug Zoo

    into the 6x6 show in October at the Wayne Center for the Arts. Proceeds from pieces sold during that ... show will be split between the arts center and the bug zoo. You can learn more about the 6x6 show ...
