
Search results

  1. Ohio Ice Wine Is Hot — Share It With Your Valentine

    makes. While a dry red wine may have 0.2 percent residual sugar, which is a measure of the natural sugars ...

  2. Asiatic Garden Beetle Could be Cause for Concern for Northern Ohio Corn

    the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.  Growers who planted corn following soybeans in ...

  3. News: Ohio State ATI Launches New Greenhouse Program

    WOOSTER, Ohio — The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute recently approved a new greenhouse engineering technology specialization in its greenhouse and nursery management major. The program is unique in its engineering approach to tradit ...

  4. New Fruit and Vegetable Pest Publications

    Extension and Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) fruit and vegetable specialists are ...

  5. News


  6. Stink bug factsheet for soybean growers

    an appointment with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). OSU Extension and ...

  7. News: Carrier of Lyme Disease, Blacklegged Ticks Now Established in Ohio

    A new study conducted by Ohio State University and the Ohio Department of Health has found that blacklegged ticks and Lyme disease are now an emerging public health concern in Ohio, as tick populations carrying the disease have become established, particu ...

  8. News

    The OSU Safety Program was one of 9 states to receive a Community 4-H ATV Safety grant (a subcontractee to the national project at Oklahoma State University). Project Leaders: Dee Jepsen, PI Chris Penrose, Co-PI Kathy (Henwood) Mann, Safety Program Coordi ...
