
Search results

  1. Food Hub Development

    and to operate a food hub center for aggregation, processing, marketing, sales, and distribution of ... —Mondragon USA —United Food and Commercial Workers Ohio Cooperative Development Center —OSU Extension —Ohio ... Employee Ownership Center Project Objectives Utilize a hybrid worker-union food production and distribution ...

  2. Construction Systems Management program becomes accredited through ACCE

    Technology, and the accrediting agency for two-year associate degree programs of a similar nature.  ...

  3. 2014 Ohio Wine and Grape Conference

    Located at the Crown Plaza Hotel and Conference Center in Dublin, Ohio.  Featured Speakers will be ...

  4. 2015 Spring Banquet and 100-Year Anniversary Celebration

    Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center (Across from the Schottenstein Center) 2201 Fred Taylor Dr. Columbus, OH ...

  5. Soil, Water and Bioenergy research and education collaboration across continents

    and Bioenergy Resources Program at the Ohio State University South Centers has developed widespread ... production with enhanced ecosystem services. Peter is the second intern to come to the OSU South Centers for ...

  6. USDA grant received to explore greenhouse vegetable soilborne disease control

    Center began high tunnel research on tomato and berry crops. Since that time over 3,000 high tunnels have ...

  7. Career Fair- Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

    4-H Center ...

  8. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    Islam, Program Director of  Soil, Water and Bioenergy, OSU South Centers  is one of the speakers. The title of ...

  9. Mary Gardiner's book released

    natural pesticide alternatives. From mantids to beetles to wasps, spiders, and everything in between, ...

  10. Two aquaculture books completed in 2017

    Principal Scientist at the Ohio State University South Centers. Co-editors were Dr. Francesc Piferrer of ...
