
Search results

  1. Annie’s Project Retreat for Women in Agriculture- Western Ohio

    Annie spent her life learning how to be an involved business partner with her farm husband. Annie’s ...

  2. Strawberries, Robots and Taste Tests Featured at Berry Field Night

    horticulture specialist with Ohio State University Extension. Both OSU Extension and the South Centers are part ... earlier harvest period. The strawberry field night will be at the OSU South Centers Auditorium,1864 ... or at 740-289-2071 ext. 132. The registration deadline is May 23.     Brad Bergefurd ...

  3. Self-Enrollment Open House- Cancelled


  4. Camp Counselor Training

    Camp Counselor Training will be held virtually. You will receive more information as it becomes available. ...

  5. Camp Counselor Training

    Camp Counselor Training will be held virtually. You will receive more information as it becomes available. ...

  6. Muck Crops Field Day

    to noon at the Muck Crops Agricultural Research Station, 4875 SR 103 S in Willard. OSU Extension and ... grows muck crops in Ohio. Presentations from researchers at the station will follow. OSU Extension and ... the Huron County OSU Extension office at 419-668-8219 or Filbrun at 419-709-7485. Bob Filbrun ...

  7. Camp Counselor Selections

    You will receive a phone call for your interview during the time spot you have signed up for ...

  8. Dr. Mauricio Bittencourt International Alumni Award Reception

    Dr. Mauricio Bittencourt (PhD 2004) is the recipent of the 2020 CFAES International Alumni Award. Please join us for a reception in his honor. The International Alumni Award is presented to outstanding international agriculture alumni representing, suppor ...

  9. Leading in Jeans: Millennial Unconventional Leadership in a Multi-Generational Workforce online

    Millennials are no longer simply entering a multi-generational workforce; many are leading it.   As of 2015,  the majority of employees in the workforce are now Millennials, and many are being promoted to supervisory leadership positions.  This generation ...

  10. Diversity Leadership Symposium

    Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, Columbus. Details. ...
