
Search results

  1. The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) Annual Conference

    The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association annual conference will be held in Dayton, and is considered by the organizers as the largest sustainable agriculture conference in Ohio. Online registration for the event is available at ...

  2. Long-Term Climate Justice

    In CONTINUING THE SUSTAINABILITY CONVERSATION, The Center for Ethics and Human Values presents John Nolt who will present Long-Term Climate Justice. John Nolt is a Professor in the Philosophy Department at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He has pu ...

  3. Summer Camp & Recreation Fair or 614.292.7055.   ...

  4. Timothy Frey 3rd Place, MS Graduate Student Competition

    > Research Poster News Release ...

  5. Fire Regimes of Remnant Pine Communities in Pennsylvania

    The North Atlantic Fire Science Exchange webinar presents Mike Stambaugh and Joe Marschall, of the Oak Woodlands and Forests Fire Consortium. Their topic will be Fire Regimes of Remnant Pine Communities in Pennsylvania. ...

  6. Understanding controls on flow permanence in intermittent rivers to aid ecological research: integrating meteorology, geology and land cover

    Costigan, K.H., K.L. Jaeger, C.W. Goss, K.M. Fritz and P.C. Goebel. 2016. Understanding controls on flow permanence in intermittent rivers to aid ecological research: integrating meteorology, geology and land cover. Ecohydrology 9(7):1141-1153. Journal ar ...

  7. 57th Ohio Fish and Wildlife Conference

    57th Ohio Fish and Wildlife Conference at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. Sponsored by Ohio Fish & Wildlife Management Association, Ohio Chapter of the Wildlife Society and Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife. ...

  8. Honors Research Proposal Presentations

    Program 614.688.4061       ...

  9. Career Closet

    Don't have the budget to purchase an outfit for an upcoming interview? Stop by the Career Closet event for clothing, shoes and accessories, everything you need to make a lasting impression, for free!         ...

  10. Archive 2000-2005

    Advisor: B. McSpadden Gardener. Whitten, Katherine R. 2005  MS Foliar diseases of daylilies caused by ...
