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Long-term Effects of Repeated Prescribed Burning on Tree Growth and Drought Vulnerability in Red Pine Forests in Northern Minnesota
vulnerability. The webinar will be available at ...
Attitudes toward predator control in the United States: 1995 and 2014
Slagle, Kristina, Jeremy T. Bruskotter, Ajay S. Singh and Robert H. Schmidt. 2017. Attitudes toward predator control in the United States: 1995 and 2014. Journal of Mammalogy 98(1):7-16. Kristina Slagle, PhD Jeremy T. Bruskotter Journal article Thursday, ...
Carnivore Co-existence in Forested Ecosystems: Insights from Non-invasive Sampling of Large Predators
in 164 Howlett Hall and 123 Williams Hall. The presentation will be available through ...
OSU Closed
245 Monday, May 30, 2016 (All day) ...
Summer Camp & Recreation Fair or 614.292.7055. ...
EPN Presents Cleaning Up America's Rivers
attend at As the founder of America’s only ...
Archive 2000-2005
Advisor: B. McSpadden Gardener. Whitten, Katherine R. 2005 MS Foliar diseases of daylilies caused by ...
New Voices in Energy Impacts Research: Graduate Research Highlights
New Voices in Energy Impacts Research: Graduate Research Highlights is the third webinar in’s 2016-2017 webinar series. This webinar will highlight cutting-edge social science research on the impacts of energy development from current ...
Species-specific effects of turbidity on the physiology of imperiled blackline shiners Notropis spp. in the Laurentian Great Lakes
Gray, S.M., L.H. McDonnell, N.E. Mandrak and L.J. Chapman. 2016. Species-specific effects of turbidity on the physiology of imperiled blackline shiners Notropis spp. in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Endangered Species Research 31:271-277. Suzanne Gray Journ ...
Consequences of landsat image strata classification errors on bias and variance of inventory estimates: A forest inventory case study
Crosby, M.K., T.G. Matney, E.B. Schultz, D.L. Evans, D.L. Grebner, H.A. Londo, J.C. Rodgers and C.A. Collins. 2017. Consequences of landsat image strata classification errors on bias and variance of inventory estimates: A forest inventory case study. IEEE ...