
Search results

  1. Regional Fire Science Consortia Webinar         ...

  2. Wet Weather and Evaluating Soybean Stand

    Saturated soils after soybean planting can cause uneven emergence and stand reductions of varying extent depending on the stage of the soybean plant and other environmental factors including temperature and duration of saturated conditions. Additionally, ...

  3. Corn Emergence and Heat Unit Accumulation

    Warm, dry weather promoted significant corn planting last week, especially in western Ohio. According to USDA/NASS estimates ( as of April 30, ...

  4. Impact of recent heavy rains on corn- ponding and flooding

    Heavy rains over the weekend resulted in saturated soil conditions across much of the state. Excessive rainfall in some areas resulted in localized ponding and flooding of corn. According to the USDA/NASS  ( ...

  5. Adult cereal leaf beetles found, look out for larvae in wheat soon

    Adult cereal leaf beetles have been spotted in a few areas across OH.  Adults do not normally cause yield loss in wheat, but, if present in high numbers, they could lead to heavy larval infestations over the next few weeks.  Adult cereal leaf beetles are ...

  6. 2017-11


  7. Jennie Pugliese's Graduate Defense Seminar

    A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Jennie Pugliese, MS Candidate in Soil Science, on Tuesday, May 2, at 9:00 a.m. She will present "Amber Waves of Kernza: Making Agriculture Perennial Again" in 123 Williams Hall and videoed into 245 ...

  8. Growing Returns discusses efforts to update the Tri-State Fertility Guide

    Growing Returns, a Blog of the Environmental Defense Fund, discusses efforts led by Soil Fertility Specialist and School of Environment and Natural Resources Assistant Professor Steve Culman, in the post, “ New guidance to maximize every drop of fertilize ...

  9. EPN 2nd Tuesdays Breakfast Club

    The EPN welcomes Dr. Joseph Fiksel, Executive Director, OSU Center for Resilience and U.S. EPA ... watershed. Register for this breakfast at ...

  10. Micronutrients in Starter Fertilizer for Corn

    ( Corn may respond to supplemental sulfur on sandy soils low in organic matter. Research has not ...
