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SENR Seminar, Columbus
How Well do Ecosystem Characteristics Predict Bird Abundance at the Landscape Spatial Scale? By Nicholas Rodenhouse. Details. ...
Quality & Innovation Management Course, Columbus
Basics of how snack foods are manufactured. Information: Quality & Innovation Management Course. ...
Long-term Effects of Repeated Prescribed Burning on Tree Growth and Drought Vulnerability in Red Pine Forests in Northern Minnesota
vulnerability. The webinar will be available at ...
Central Ohio Lawn Care Seminar, Columbus
ohioturfgrass ...
Added Value or Diminishing Returns? A Food Additives Reality Check
Coffee Hour with Citation Needed in 311 Parker Food Science & Technology Bldg. A casual conversation about what food additivies bring to the table. Coffee and snacks will be provided. ...
IPRGSO Winter Warm-up Social
Graduate students from all departments are welcome and you can invite your friends too! Join the Institute for Population Research Graduate Student Organization's (IPRGSO) social with hot chocolate, a variety of soups and homemade bread. Receive an I ...
Identification of metabolically active rhizosphere microorganisms by stable isotopic probing of PLFA in switchgrass
Chaudhary, Doongar R. and Richard P. Dick. 2016. Identification of metabolically active rhizosphere microorganisms by stable isotopic probing of PLFA in switchgrass. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 47(21):2433-2444. Richard P. Dick Journ ...
Soil solution interactions may limit Pb remediation using P amendments in an urban soil
Obrycki, John F., Kirk G. Scheckel and Nicholas T. Basta. 2016. Soil solution interactions may limit Pb remediation using P amendments in an urban soil. Environmental Pollution 22:549-556. Nicholas Basta Journal article Sunday, January 1, 2017 ...
Be the one to help 4-H grow the next generation of leaders
The world's children will be the ones to solve critical global problems. Help them grow into the leaders we need by supporting 4-H. ...
Building Ohio State Exhibition at Thompson Library
The Ohio State University Libraries presents the exhibition Building Ohio State: From Forest to the Renovation of the Thompson Library from February 1 – May 14, 2017, in the Thompson Library Gallery. Building Ohio State tells the story of the unique con ...