
Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-09 to sample the field. The fact sheet also contains information about the number of larvae and ... a BB, and usually clear to slightly opaque (see picture at http://entomology.osu ...

  2. Carbon capture and sequestration: The roles of agriculture and soils

    Stout, Bill, Rattan Lal and Curtis Monger. 2016. Carbon capture and sequestration: The roles of agriculture and soils. International Journal of Agricultural, and Biological Engineering 9(1):1-8. Rattan Lal Journal article ...

  3. The utility of a collective identity construct to explore the influence of farming identity on natural resource management

    Groth, Theresa M., Allan Curtis, Eric Toman and Emily Mendham. 2016. The utility of a collective identity construct to explore the influence of farming identity on natural resource management. Society & Natural Resources   29(5):588-602. Eric Toman Jo ...

  4. April LANDFIRE and Lake States FSC Webinar ...

  5. Thank an Advisor

    During the week of April 4-8, Ohio State will hold its second “Thank an Advisor” event, presented in an effort to recognize advisor’s contributions to the students they advise and the faculty they support. The effort partially supports the Office of Acade ...

  6. Jazz Glastra's Graduate Defense Seminar

    Jazz Glastra, MS candidate in Rural Sociology, will present Inequality in Farmworker Wages: Race, Space, and Legal Status as her Graduate Defense Seminar.  This seminar will be held in 333 Kottman Hall beginning at 11:00 a.m. ...

  7. Kelly George's Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    Kelly George, PhD candidate in Environmental Social Sciences, will present 'The Human Dimension of Animal Welfare Science' for her Doctoral Scholarly Seminar. The seminar will begin at 10:00 a.m. in 333 Kottman Hall. ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-11

    diagnosis can be obtained from OSU Extension or other crop consultants. OSU Extension Agronomic Crop Disease ...

  9. Judaism and the Environment: Food and Community

    The Religion and Sustainability Lunchtime Lecture Series welcomes Jessica Shimberg, ALEPH Associate Director of Programs, Little Minyan Kehilla, who will present 'Judaism and the Environment: Food and Community'. This lecture series is part of E ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-30

    see anything odd in your fields, a pocket that has lost its leaves prematurely – let your county OSU ... Extension Educator know or send it in directly to me (Dept. of Plant Pathology Selby Hall, OARDC/OSU, 1680 ...
