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Hydrogeomorphology drives fish assemblages in the Nevėžis River, Lithuania: implications for river basin management plans in the Baltics
Čivas, L, Kesminas, V. and S.M.P. Sullivan. 2016. Hydrogeomorphology drives fish assemblages in the Nevėžis River, Lithuania: implications for river basin management plans in the Baltics. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment 188(109):1-16. Mažeika Su ...
Pranietha Mudliar's Graduate Defense Seminar
Pranietha Mudliar, PhD Candidate in Environmental Social Sciences, will present "Heterogeneity and Collective Action: Case Studies from the United States and India" as her Graduate Defense Seminar on Thursday, June 9th, at 1:00 p.m. in 245 Kottm ...
RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair
*Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...
RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair
*Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...
RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair
*Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...
RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair
*Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...
RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair
*Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...
RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair
*Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...
The Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI)
free webinar, visit: ...
The rapid return of marine-derived nutrients to a freshwater food web following dam removal
Tonra, Christopher M., Kimberly Sager-Fradkin, Sarah A. Morley, Jeffrey J. Duda and Peter P. Marra. 2015. The rapid return of marine-derived nutrients to a freshwater food web following dam removal. Biological Conservation 192:130-134. Christopher M. Tonr ...