
Search results

  1. New Year's Day

    The OSU Extension Office- Morrow County will be closed in obervance of the New Year!! ...

  2. Impact of Human-Animal Interactions on Farm Animal Behavior, Welfare, and Productivity

    job-related characteristics (Figure 2). Job satisfaction, work ethic, and motivation to learn may affect ... 292-3776 or ...

  3. Variation in Milk Urea Nitrogen in Ohio Dairy Herds

    Cooperative, Inc., Columbus, OH) data on 1325 dairy cows from 22 Ohio herds. These data were collected between ...

  4. Cow Comfort is a Requirement for Making Milk

    winter, the OSU Extension Dairy Working group hosted a series of webinars looking at facility design and ... your convenience. The first recorded speaker was Dr. Katy Proudfoot, OSU Veterinary Preventative ...

  5. More Internships

    Undergraduate Research Office Summer Research Opportunities Program ...

  6. Management

    Sciences, The Ohio State University Did you know that you have animals in your herds who ... Dairy Specialist, OSU-Extension Controlling costs has been the front-line attack for ... John Smith, Extension Educator, Auglaize County Did you know that proper lighting can ...

  7. 2008

    Benitez, M., Kleinhenz, M. D., Miller, S. A., and McSpadden Gardener, B. B. 2008. Effects of farm organic ... Kleinhenz, M. D., Miller, S. A., and McSpadden Gardener, B. B. 2008. Field management effects on damping-off ... T., McSpadden Gardener, B. B. and Coenen, C. 2008. 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol alters plant root ...

  8. Who's Who

    known Normand prior to his arrival at OSU. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from Universite Laval ... in Quebec, Canada and the Ph.D. in 1985 from OSU. He worked in the feed and related industries before ... member at OSU was serving as President of two agricultural firms. He brings a lot of human and fiscal ...

  9. Stories from Students

    to learn about the Extension aspect of Plant Pathology. Megan Murphy, Biology major, Niagara ...

  10. Milk Volume or Components: What Should You Aim For?

    very risky to place seeds into dry soil, as there may be just enough moisture to germinate the seed but ...
