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Dine In Day
More information to come! For more details, please visit ...
USDA Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
The USDA Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) was established to fill the gap when children lose access to meals when schools are closed. Most often this occurs during summer vacation. However, during school closures related to the pandemic, meals are also ...
MGV Clinic and Writing Workshop
a sack lunch or snacks! Join us to learn about operating a diagnostic clinic, answering customer ...
Beef Quality Assurance Training- Chute Side
require producers to be certified in BQA in order to market their cattle or serve their product. To learn ...
USDA Summer Food Service Program
The USDA Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) was established to fill the gap when children lose access to meals when schools are closed. Most often this occurs during summer vacation. However, during school closures related to the pandemic, meals are also ...
Thank you Mahoning County Commissioners
Rimedio-Righetti, for their continued support of Mahoning County OSU Extension. This past week, Robin Adams, OSU ...
Level I Food Safety Training
Click title for more information. The Level I Food Safety Training enhances employee understanding of major food safety principles, including time and temperature abuse, cross-contamination and personal hygiene. The program includes an Employee Training M ...
OCVN Open House
training and application process. Bring your questions! The OSU Extension Ohio Certified Volunteer ...
Introduction to Mushrooms
naturalist Dave Brumfield. Learn their basic structure, tips for identification, and fun facts related to ...
Canning and Preservation Series: Drying Apples
year round, and can be made quite easily. Join us to learn about proper drying techniqes, conditioning ...