
Search results

  1. Plant Pathaticals and Advisory

            Extension Associates   Joe Rimelspach Turfgrass pathology Office: ... 248B Kottman Hall, Columbus; tel. (614) 292-9283   Nancy Taylor C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest ... Diagnostic Clinic     March 18, 2008 - Plant Pathology Extension specialists and Advisory ...

  2. Grad Students at Disovery Day Plant Sale- Wooster

    in their garden and answer questions.  There will be posters and handouts available.  Plant list:- ...

  3. 2020 Census

    Complete Your 2020 Census today! The census is a count of every person who lives in the United States and its territories. It happens every 10 years. In early 2020, you are asked to count everyone in your home as of April 1. Responding to the 2020 Census ...

  4. African American Students

    Every year, millions of students complete and receive undergraduate, however, African American students graduate at a significantly lower rate than the majority of their peers. While there are many factors that contribute to this graduation rate, one of t ...

  5. Financial Aid Resources


  6. USDA ARS Virus Research

    Since 2004, OSU faculty in Plant Pathology, Horticulture and Crop Science, Entomology, and ...

  7. Biopesticides

    inoculants and biopesticides. Dr. McSpadden Gardener’s laboratory focuses on discovery research that aims to ... greenhouse and field trials for industry sponsors. Recently, McSpadden Gardener founded a multidisciplinary ... cooperation with Technology Licensing and Contracts and the Fisher College of Business, several OSU patents ...

  8. APS 2015

    Columbus, OH, U.S.A. 356-P  Screening the NAM parents for resistance to multiple Pythium species. E. R. ... University, Columbus, OH, U.S.A. 402-P  Evaluation of fungicides and production methods for the control of ... L. E. Lindsey (1), T. L. Niblack (1).  (1) The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, U.S.A.; (2) The ...

  9. Deogracious (Deo) Massawe

    April 21st. 2016 PhD (Miller and Paul) Selby Hall (Wooster) MS Molecular Biology and ...

  10. Art in Phytopathology

    "Eight Reasons to Quake" by Karasi Mills Best in Show and 1st place, Arts and Crafts ...
