
Search results

  1. Rations for Good Rumen Health

    that decrease pH in the first place. In typical diets with only forage and grain (no byproducts), ...

  2. Harvesting and Storing Corn Silage

    year you will need to harvest 13 or 14 months of silage and you need a place to store the silage that ...

  3. What is Your Corn Silage Worth?

    Dr. Joanne Knapp, Principal Technical Consultant, Fox Hollow Consulting, LLC, Columbus, OH Corn ...

  4. Testing for Nitrates

    described in the OSUE fact sheet titled "Nitrates in Dairy Rations" ... ( Options for testing for nitrates are sending samples to feed analytical laboratories or using ...

  5. Bovine Calving Management Training: Dystocia and Calf Care

    Spanish and/or English. For more information, contact Dr. Gustavo Schuenemann at or ...

  6. What Does Discovery of Bovine Tuberculosis in a Herd in Ohio Mean for Ohio Livestock Farmers?

    statements regarding the status of a specific disease for the source herd to be placed on the certificate.  ... bTB eradication program began in 1917, huge changes in the livestock industry have taken place.  By ... identification scheme has been in place since late 2001, and we are making remarkably good progress in ...

  7. Progressive Dairy Producers Begin 2000 Membership Drive

    conferences that PDPO sponsors throughout the year. OSU dairy students will be eligible for a free associate ...

  8. Mideast Federal Order Hearing Held on March 7, Wooster, Ohio

    (, you will be familiar with a chart that I post on the opening page each day. This chart appears ... your milk, be sure to bookmark my Ohio Dairy Website ( and ... Check it out at For ...

  9. Control of Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD or Pneumonia)

    not find a place to rest. They are more susceptible to the stress of change. The control of BRD relies ...

  10. Observations from Tour of Matlink Dairy in New York

    Mr. Tom Noyes, OSU Extension Educator, Wayne County, The Ohio State University   A bus-load of ... dairy producers, OSU research and Extension faculty, students, and agri-business people took a one day ...
