
Search results

  1. A. Shah

    219 Hi Jim, Could you please reserve conference rooms in Columbus and Wooster with videolink for: ...

  2. PENRA Annual Meeting

    200 (Wooster) Bethany reserved for Mary  Tuesday, March 9, 2021- 8:30am to 3:30pm ...

  3. CSM

    219 Friday, October 16, 2020- 9:00am to 11:00am ...

  4. CSM

    219 Thursday, October 15, 2020- 3:00pm to 5:15pm ...

  5. A. Shah

    Room 100 (Wooster) Hi Jim, Could you please reserve conference rooms in Columbus and Wooster with ...

  6. Teaching Students with Visual Impairments about COVID-19

    Join us on October 15 for a first-of-its-kind webinar on  teaching students with visual impairments about COVID-19.  This webinar will provide an overview and all lesson plans have been adapted and modified specifically for students with visual impairment ...

  7. Darren Drewry receives ORAU Powe Award

    Dr. Darren Drewry, Assistant Professor in the Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering has been named the recipient of the 2020 Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award from Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU). ORAU provides ...

  8. Toolkit

    Basic Money Management Toolkit Colors of Money [PDF] Money Bingo [PDF] Credit Score Activity [PDF] Pay Out The Beans [PDF] Financial Fitness Quiz [PDF] Pay Out The Beans 11x17" Board Game  [PDF] Grab and Go [PDF] Power Pay [PDF] Know What You Owe [PD ...

  9. keepin' it REAL Training

    completion. Learn more about this free training or register on Eventbrite. Contact Brittany Koza at ...

  10. OSUE faculty meetings

    faculty meetings will be held on April 12, 3-4PM and November 16th, 2-3PM.  Please place a reservation for ...
