
Search results

  1. Resources

    American Diabetes Association Central Ohio Diabetes Association Diabetes Association of Dayton Area ...

  2. Jr. Dairy Council Meeting

    Election of officers will take place. ...

  3. Skill-a-thons for Animals, Nutrition, Sewing

    All skill-a-thons will be held at the Champaign County Community Center Auditorium and done on computer this year. Only youth members will be permitted inside the auditorium at their assigned time. Members will need to wear a mask in the building. All par ...

  4. Skill-a-thon for Cavies

    Lisa Blake will be contacting all members needing to take the Cavy skill-a-thon with the needed details. ...

  5. FCS Committee Zoom

    Please note these meetings will be held via Zoom, to begin at 6pm, Melinda to publish the link! ...

  6. Upcoming OSU Weed Day on July 12

    crops. On July 12, OSU weed specialists will display some of that research during a field day for ... agricultural industry representatives and corn and soybean growers interested in learning about weed control in ... and soybean herbicide treatments and OSU weed science specialists will be available to answer ...

  7. OSU Weed Day is July 12

    crops. On July 12, OSU weed specialists will display some of that research during a field day for ... agricultural industry representatives and corn and soybean growers interested in learning about weed control in ... and soybean herbicide treatments and OSU weed science specialists will be available to answer ...

  8. Ohio Department of Agriculture: dicamba use in Ohio ends June 30, 2020

    Written by Peggy Kirk Hall, Associate Professor, Agricultural & Resource Law The dicamba roller coaster ride continues today, with a statement issued by the Ohio Department of Agriculture clarifying that the use of XtendiMax, Engenia, and FeXapan dica ...

  9. US EPA allows use of dicamba products by July 31, 2020

    Written by Peggy Kirk Hall, Associate Professor, Agricultural & Resource Law When we explained in our  last blog post   the recent Court of Appeals decision that vacated the registration of three dicamba-based products, we mentioned that one possibili ...

  10. Celebrate Your Plate Recipe Collection

    The Greene County SNAP-ED team has compiled some of their favorite recipes from Celebrate Your Plate and put them into a booklet that you can download using the following link. Greene County Recipe Collection Also check out the following pages for more id ...
