
Search results

  1. Hope for Ohio- Batavia, Ohio

    Helping young people fight the opioid epidemic is the goal of Hope for Ohio, a project of Ohio Farm Bureau and other supporting organizations. The program works with 4-H and FFA members to encourage peer-to-peer prevention measures. ...

  2. Hope for Ohio- Spencerville, Ohio

    Helping young people fight the opioid epidemic is the goal of Hope for Ohio, a project of Ohio Farm Bureau and other supporting organizations. The program works with 4-H and FFA members to encourage peer-to-peer prevention measures. Five regional Hope for ...

  3. Silage Pile Management And Safety

    management and safety available on the Wayne County Extension web site at:  ...

  4. About Us

    agricultural, and environmental sciences to integrate research-based information through learning, practice, and ...

  5. Dinosaur Day at Orton Hall

    Join us for an open house as we welcome our new dinosaur friend, Cryolophosaurus ellioti, to Orton Hall. The skeleton was discovered and named in honor of one of Ohio State's own geology professors, David Elliot. Found in Antartica, it's the mos ...

  6. Livestock Need Good Quality Drinking Water

    Extension office at 330-264-8722. Rory Lewandowski is an OSU Extension Agriculture & Natural Resources ...

  7. ATI Turfgrass Golf Outing- Wooster, Ohio

    You can enjoy a great day of golf and support Ohio State ATI turfgrass scholarships at the same time by registering for the Ohio State ATI Turfgrass Scholarship Tournament on Thursday, Sept. 20 at Hawk's Nest Golf Course. ...

  8. Hope for Ohio- Carrollton, Ohio

    Helping young people fight the opioid epidemic is the goal of Hope for Ohio, a project of Ohio Farm Bureau and other supporting organizations. The program works with 4-H and FFA members to encourage peer-to-peer prevention measures. Five regional Hope for ...

  9. Hope for Ohio- London, Ohio

    Helping young people fight the opioid epidemic is the goal of Hope for Ohio, a project of Ohio Farm Bureau and other supporting organizations. The program works with 4-H and FFA members to encourage peer-to-peer prevention measures. Five regional Hope for ...

  10. Stinner Summit: The Roles of Faith & Ecology in Sustainable Agriculture- Delaware, Ohio

    The inspiration for the Stinner Summit was Ben Stinnner’s rare ability to build relationships based on common interests and his vision, passion, and commitment to building healthy agroecosystems and communities.  The Summit, held in October at a different ...
