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Farm Science Review
advances in agricultural production. Schedule, information and to buy tickets: or ...
OUAB Movie on the Oval
The Ohio Union Activities Board (OUAB) presents Movie On The Oval. Wrap up you first day of class with food, friends, and a feature film – All for FREE! Food is available beginning at 8PM While supplies last! Movie starts around 8:30PM. ...
Buck I Frenzy
Buck-i-Frenzy is a lifestyle festival featuring select local and national companies who will be on-hand to offer samples of the latest products, services, fashions, sounds, technology and tastes. Students can enjoy four hours of friends, food and free stu ...
Wily coyotes are howlingly faithful: Study finds 100 percent monogamy
said Gehrt, who holds appointments with OARDC and OSU Extension. "But the male spends just as much ...
OSU Autumn Commencement 2012
Title: OSU Autumn Commencement Date: 2012-12-16 ...
OSU Move-In Day Fall 2014
New book looks at 'Memories and Milestones of OSU Extension'
Extension is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2014, and to coincide with that celebration, Ohio State University Extension is commemorating the milestone with the release of a new publication. Memories and Milestones of Ohio State University Extension ...
Learning Community Ice Cream Social
OSU Meat Laboratory
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2013 "Perfect Season" Judging Camp
Title: 2013 "Perfect Season" Judging Camp Location: OSU Description: High School and 4-H ...