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2024 Master Gardeners New Class- Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs
This lab will cover some basics of raising fruits, vegetables and herbs at home. Seedings, selection, cultivation and management are just a few of the topics to be discussed. Registration is required and the link will be provided soon. ...
2024 Master Gardeners New Class- Houseplants and Annuals Lab
The speaker, Susan Carty, will be teaching those present about plant selection, cultivation and care of your houseplant or annuals. This event is open to the public and free to all. No Registration is required. ...
Commercial Applicator Licensing
A commercial applicator: Applies pesticides for a business, on land owned by someone else, and usually for hire. Also includes applicators who work for a government agency like a township, city, school district, park district, etc., and applicators who ap ...
Pesticide Applicator Information
A commercial applicator applies pesticides: for hire; or on publicly accessible sites such as golf courses, apartment complexes, restaurants, schools; or while working for a government agency Commercial applicators must be licensed to use both restricted ...
Columbus Day Observed- Office Closed
Annual Master Gardener Plant Sale
Pre-Fair Judging Gardening Projects ONLY
Planning for the Future of Your Farm
Planning for the Future of Your Farm
OSU Extension Advisory Council Meeting