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Frost Damage in Wheat
Air temperatures dropped to an average of about 25-32 degrees on at least two nights over the last few days. Understandably, some wheat producers are concerned that these temperatures may have caused some damage to their crop. We will have to see what hap ...
Wheat Heading, Flowering, and Head Scab Risk
HEADING: After being slowed down by cold temperatures over the last 7-10 days, the wheat crop is now heading-out or flowering in some parts of the state – do not be deceived by the fact that plants still look sh ...
Home Account Book
Home Account Book Well organized and updated home accounts are valuable financial management tools. The Home Account Book is an easy-to-use guide for tracking your spending and making financial plans. The guide provides information and charts for recordin ...
What is the Meaning of Feekes Growth Stages in Wheat? Feekes 7.0: second node becomes visible. This stage is characterized by the rapid stem elongation ...
JHSE Urban Extension Issue Available
The June 2017 issue of the Journal of Human Sciences and Extension is now available online (Volume 5, Number 2). To access it, visit and select the Current Issue tab. Dr. Julie Fox was the guest editor of this JHSE issue which fo ...
Personal Context
Your Personal Context as a Leader in the City Resources ...
Wet Weather and Evaluating Soybean Stand
Saturated soils after soybean planting can cause uneven emergence and stand reductions of varying extent depending on the stage of the soybean plant and other environmental factors including temperature and duration of saturated conditions. Additionally, ...
Corn Emergence and Heat Unit Accumulation
Warm, dry weather promoted significant corn planting last week, especially in western Ohio. According to USDA/NASS estimates ( as of April 30, ...
Impact of recent heavy rains on corn- ponding and flooding
Heavy rains over the weekend resulted in saturated soil conditions across much of the state. Excessive rainfall in some areas resulted in localized ponding and flooding of corn. According to the USDA/NASS ( ...