
Search results

  1. High Soybean Aphid Populations Predicted in Ohio

    fall collections were high," said Ron Hammond, an OSU Extension entomologist based at the Ohio ... updates on the soybean aphid, refer to the OSU Extension's Agronomic Crops Team Web site at ...   Candace Pollock Ron Hammond False False False False False True False False False False False ...

  2. Grain Bin Safety Hot Topic at Farm Science Review

    Jepsen, OSU Extension's state safety leader, and her colleagues are presenting a series of ... grain handling, grain bin maintenance, and insect control. OSU Extension and Purdue Extension ... Environmental Sciences. Tickets are $8 at the gate or $5 in advance when purchased from county offices of OSU ...

  3. Apply by April 1 for OARDC High School, Undergrad Science Internship

    and Environmental Sciences, OARDC ( is the largest and most comprehensive ... ORIP is one way OARDC is answering the state of Ohio’s call for bold action to bolster the ...

  4. Soybean Rust Manual Available at FSR

    at (614) 292-1607 or For orders of 5,000 or more, the price of the manual is 75 ... Environmental Sciences, OSU Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Tickets are $8 ... at the gate or $5 in advance when purchased from OSU Extension county offices or agribusinesses. ...

  5. Save on Fuel Costs with Natural-Air Grain Drying

    storage, grain safety, grain bin maintenance, and insect control. OSU Extension and Purdue Extension ... 263-3860 or Farm Science Review is sponsored by Ohio State University Extension, the Ohio ... Sciences. Tickets are $8 at the gate or $5 in advance when purchased from county offices of OSU Extension or ...

  6. Soybean Aphids Arrive in Ohio, and in Big Numbers

    higher than expected. Ron Hammond, an OSU Extension entomologist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and ... and its impact on Ohio's soybean crop, refer to the OSU Extension's Agronomic Crops Team Web ... site at, or the new Agronomic Crops Insects Web site at ...

  7. Cover Crops Can Serve Corn Nitrogen Needs in Continous No-Till

    nitrogen fertilizer,” said Rafiq Islam, an OSU Extension soil scientist. “That’s more ... using cover crops,” said Islam. OSU Extension is releasing a series of cover crop fact sheets ... cover crops fact sheets are available on OSU Extension’s Ohioline at http://ohioline.osu ...

  8. Ohio Shale Coalition Report Appears to Have Overestimated Ohio Shale Job Creation by About 400%

    to the 20,000 jobs (through 2015) estimated by the OSU Swank program using the actual industry ...

  9. OSU Agribusiness Club Meeting


  10. OSU Agribusiness Club Meeting

