
Search results

  1. Private-Public Partnerships around the Natural Environment, Economy and Sustainability:  The Story of the Big Darby Creek and Honda Manufacturing

    Take a tour of Big Darby Headwaters Nature Preserve with Anthony Sasson from The Nature Conservancy and join a dialogue with Honda of America Manufacturing representatives. The Association of Natural Resources Outreach Professionals (ANROP) will be hostin ...

  2. Reception held to honor faculty and staff making a difference

    Congratulations to Ms. Susan Burks (nominated by Gina Volpe, Sphinx) and Dr. Robyn Wilson (nominated by Kathryn Connolly, Mortar Board) for making a difference in the lives of their students. The two were honored at the 26th Annual Faculty and Staff Recog ...

  3. Stone Lab Guest Lecture Series & Research Brief

    Vice President and Dean for OSU's CFAES will present JFood, Agricultural, and Environmental ...

  4. SENR Professor Emeritus Wins International Award for Career in Wetland Research and Teaching

    The Ramsar Convention will present Professor Emeritus William J. Mitsch a  Ramsar Convention Award of Merit for 2015  at the 12th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP12), to be held June 1-9, 2015, ...

  5. Soil organic carbon and nitrogen fractions under different land uses and tillage practices

    Liu, Mengyun, David A.N. Ussiri and Rattan Lal. 2016. Soil organic carbon and nitrogen fractions under different land uses and tillage practices. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis   47(12):1528-1541. Rattan Lal Journal article Thursday, Ju ...

  6. Butterfly dispersal in farmland: a replicated landscape genetics study on the meadow brown butterfly (Maniola jurtina)

    Villemey, A. W.E. Peterman, M. Richard, A. Ouin, I. van Halder, V.M. Stevens, M, Baguette, P. Roche and F. Archaux. 2016. Butterfly dispersal in farmland: a replicated landscape genetics study on the meadow brown butterfly (Maniola jurtina). Landscape Eco ...

  7. SENR Scholarship Application Deadline for Education Abroad

    Education abroad programs with applications deadlines January 1 or after, SENR Scholarship Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. December 1, 2016.  Students will be notified whether or not they've been selected by December 20, 2016.  ...

  8. SENR Scholarship Application Deadline for Education Abroad

    Education abroad programs with application deadlines prior to December 31,  SENR Scholarship Applications are due by 5:00 p.m., October 21, 2016. Students will be notified whether or  not they have been selected to receive a scholarship by October 25, 201 ...

  9. Stone Lab Guest Lecture Series & Research Brief

    Channelized Headwater Streams. At 8:00 p.m. Kate Bartter, Interim Director with OSU's Office of Energy ...

  10. Stone Lab Guest Lecture Series & Research Brief

    Soil Blends. At 8:00 p.m. John Kleberg, Retired Associate Vice President for OSU's Business and ...
