Search results
Seasonal variability of multiple leaf traits captured by leaf spectroscopy at two temperate deciduous forests
Yang, X., J.W. Tang, J.F. Mustard, J. Wu, K.G. Zhao, S. Serbin and J.E. Lee. 2016. Seasonal variability of multiple leaf traits captured by leaf spectroscopy at two temperate deciduous forests. Remote Sensing of Environment 179:1-12. Kaiguang Zhao Journal ...
Hydrogeomorphology drives fish assemblages in the Nevėžis River, Lithuania: implications for river basin management plans in the Baltics
Čivas, L, Kesminas, V. and S.M.P. Sullivan. 2016. Hydrogeomorphology drives fish assemblages in the Nevėžis River, Lithuania: implications for river basin management plans in the Baltics. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment 188(109):1-16. Mažeika Su ...
Pranietha Mudliar's Graduate Defense Seminar
Pranietha Mudliar, PhD Candidate in Environmental Social Sciences, will present "Heterogeneity and Collective Action: Case Studies from the United States and India" as her Graduate Defense Seminar on Thursday, June 9th, at 1:00 p.m. in 245 Kottm ...
The rapid return of marine-derived nutrients to a freshwater food web following dam removal
Tonra, Christopher M., Kimberly Sager-Fradkin, Sarah A. Morley, Jeffrey J. Duda and Peter P. Marra. 2015. The rapid return of marine-derived nutrients to a freshwater food web following dam removal. Biological Conservation 192:130-134. Christopher M. Tonr ...
Commentary on the Student-Citizen
Roger Williams, along with Thomas Kuzmic, Oklahoma State University, and Blair Orr, Michigan Technical University, wrote the commentary, The Student-Citizen and Study Abroad, for the Journal of Forestry. Read how the accelerating part of globalization mak ...
The effects of wind and fuel stores on stopover departure behavior across a migratory barrier
Dossman, B.C., G.W. Mitchell, D.R. Norris, P.D. Taylor, C.G. Guglielmo, S.N. Matthews and P.G. Rodewald. 2016. The effects of wind and fuel stores on stopover departure behavior across a migratory barrier. Behavioral Ecology 27(2):567-574. Stephen N. Matt ...
The Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI)
free webinar, visit: ...
Alex Heeren's Graduate Defense Seminar
Alex Heeren, PhD candidate in Environmental Social Sciences, will present 'Identifying the Problem or Identifying the Solution? The Role of Motivated Reasoning and Identify Politics in Environmental Science' for his Graduate Defense Seminar to b ...
Lake States Fire Science Consortium July Webinar
Join the Lake States Fire Science consortium for the next webinar in cooperation with the North Atlantic Fire Science Exchange and Consortium of Appalachian Fire Managers and Scientists highlighting the new fire features of the Fire Effects Information Sy ...
SENR Graduate Student Awarded Summer Research Grant
Pranay Ranjan, a doctoral student in the School of Environment and Natural Resources specializing in environmental social sciences and advised by Dr. Tomas Koontz was recently awarded one of three summer research grants from Ohio State’s Environmental Pol ...