
Search results

  1. Getting Your Corn Crop Off to a Good Start in 2014

    for optimal yields. Plant population studies conducted by OSU from 2006 to the present suggest that on ...

  2. 2016-27


  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-02

    quality and contracts, from the AgLaw Blog ( of Peggy Hall, OSU Extension: ... see our Factsheet here: the soil test, think about ... at: and the Ohio Agronomy Guide, found here: ...

  4. Unlawful or Anti-Competitive Activities-The Big Data Confusion: Part 13

    A common concern for growers when working with an Agricultural Technology Provider (ATP) is that their data may be used by that ATP to benefit itself in the marketplace.  According to the Federal Trade Commission, it is illegal for businesses to act toget ...

  5. Prevention is the key to managing stored grain pests

    The primary causes of grain spoilage during storage are excess moisture and high temperature. However, insects can infest any grain that is not handled properly or that is stored longer than 6 months. Damage from weevils or other stored grain insects can ...

  6. Late season diseases are making their appearance

    Sudden death syndrome.  I was scouting the sudden death syndrome study and symptoms have started.  And due to the calls I am getting it is also in some producer’s fields.  Sudden death syndrome (SDS) is a fungal disease of soybean and is limited to a few ...

  7. Undergraduate Admissions Deadline for Autumn, Columbus campus


  8. 2016-26


  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-26

    Silage C.O.R.N. article (July 30, 2007- August 6, 2007) [http://corn.osu ... ( Both methods require knowledge of the nutrient composition of the corn silage or corn plants (this ... Deficiencies and Nitrogen on Corn- Dr. Robert Mullen, OSU Fertility Specialist * Managing for Resistant Weeds- ...

  10. Stink bug factsheet for soybean growers  The brown marmorated stink bug was finally found in several soybean fields last year in ... an appointment with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). OSU Extension and ...   ...
