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Soil Microbial Ecology Associated with Disease Control of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Cucumerinum in Cucumis sativus Cultivation Following Soil Fumigation with Anhydrous Ammonia in China
A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Joshua Kendall, PhD Candidate in Soil Science, on Monday (6/15) at 9:00 a.m. in 333C Kottman Hall with a link to 117A Williams Hall. His presentation will be Soil Microbial Ecology Associated with Disease Co ...
TWEL Faculty, Staff and Students Attending Wildlife Conference
Faculty, staff and student researchers affiliated with the Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Laboratory in the SENR heading to Milwaukee to attend the annual Wildlife Society conference. ...
Assessing Green Infrasture Costs and Benefits in Toledo, OH and Duluth, MN
Global Change, Local Impact Webinar Series presents Assessing Green Infrasture Costs and Benefits in Toledo, OH and Duluth, MN. The negative economic effects of flooding from extreme precipitation events—including preparation costs and the expenses relate ...
Honors requirements for incoming freshmen
Since you were accepted into the University Honors Program while you were applying for admission to The Ohio State University, you are a university level honors student and a candidate for the SENR Honors Program. The steps outlined below are necessary ...
Honors requirements for current SENR students
Students that wish to be considered for admission into the SENR Honors Program must meet the minimum requirements below: 3.4 cumulative GPA for at least 1 semester of enrollment Enroll in honors before completing 60 semester hours of coursework (note: ex ...
Columbus Welcome Lunch; Grad Student Orientation
Postdoc Position at McGill University
As part of our just-awarded NSERC CREATE training program in Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, and Sustainability (BESS:, we seek applicants for a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship at McGill University in association with UQÀM and Univer ...
ENR 5194 Submit Photos
Studying Methanotropic Bacterial Diversity in Ohio Soils Using High-Throughput Sequence Analysis
A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Aditi Sengupta, PhD Candidate on Wednesday (6/17) at 9:00 a.m. in 333C Kottman Hall with a link to 117A Williams Hall. Aditi will present Studying Methanotropic Bacterial Diversity in Ohio Soils Using High-T ...
OTF Turfgrass Research Field Day, Columbus