
Search results

  1. RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair

    *Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...

  2. RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair

    *Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...

  3. 2016-11


  4. 2016-10


  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-25

    ( Troubleshooting these corn ear disorders now rather than at harvest may give growers more time to ... (URL verified 8/9/10) Managing Biennial and Perennial Weeds in Wheat Stubble The late summer and ...

  6. 2016-09


  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-29

    in place since 1982. This time period gives a good amount of information to evaluate to determine ...

  8. Armyworm and Cover Crops

    True armyworm (Pseudaletia unipuncta) overwinters in the southern U.S. and adult moths migrate northward in April and May.  Females lay eggs in grassy fields including rye cover crops, and the young caterpillars feed there, typically attacking corn from e ...

  9. Wheat Diseases: Updated Facts and Pictures_Part 1

    Septoria tritici blotch: This is usually one of the various diseases to show up during the wheat seasons. It develops best under cool, wet conditions, with symptoms commonly detected on lower leaves. Initial lesions appear as yellowish or chlorotic flecks ...

  10. CHOICE- The Big Data Confusion: Part 7

    Choice as it relates to the discussion of data services and tools is critically important to growers today.  As a grower, you should have a choice on who to share your data with and the selection of service(s) to utilize with Agriculture Technology Provid ...
