
Search results

  1. PBS's NATURE Episode Features SENR Faculty Member and Urban Coyote Expert


  2. What if bees had value?

    Council of Graduate Students (CGS) and the Sustainability & Environmental Responsibility Committee (SERC) welcome Dr. Tim Haab, Department Chair and Professor, Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Developmental Economics. He will present Wha ...

  3. Lake States Fire Science consortium Webinar

    This webinar will feature two LSFSC intern projects. No registration or passcode needed Please choose “Guest Login” and type in your First and Last name. Click here to connect to the webinar. ...

  4. David Tomashefski's Defense Seminar

    David Tomashefski, MS Candidate in Ecological Restoration, will present 'An Erodibility Assessment of Central Ohio Cropland Soils' in his Graduate Defense Seminar in 333 Kottman Hall. ...

  5. Breaking a Fixed System: Corporations, Fracking, and the Community Rights Movement in Ohio

    Thomas Linzey, Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, will talk about communities across Ohio that are beginning to defy state and federal law by banning fracking for natural gas and pipelines; and how their work is the beginning of a community right ...

  6. Sara Kennedy's Graduate Defense Seminar

    Sara Kennedy, MS Candidate in Fisheries & Wildlife Science, will present White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) Fawn Survival and Seasonal Movement Patterns of White-tailed Deer and Coyotes (Canis latrans) in the Cleveland Metropolitan Area as her ...

  7. Study & Work Abroad Panel

    Ever wondered what studying and working abroad is really like? Hear from a panel of 5 professionals who have experienced it firsthand. Stay after the panel discussion for pizza and networking! ...

  8. Maintaining Honors Status

    In order to maintain your honors status, a minimum 3.4 cumulative GPA is required.  There will be annual evaluations of grades at the end of each spring semester.  If you have concerns related to your grades, it is recommended that you meet with Dr. Pinto ...

  9. Exploring the Oceans with Dr. Robert Ballard

    Dr. Robert Ballard, formerly of the Woods Hole Oceangraphic Institution, is a renowned ocean researcher, was instrumental in the discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal vents and communities- arguably one of the most exciting discoveries in earth science and e ...

  10. Nature, Morality, and Law in the Anthropocene

    The colloquium: Nature, Morality, and Law in the Anthropocene is part of the COMPAS sustainability series and is co-sponsored by the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity and the Center for Interdisciplinary Law and Policy Studies. 'Th ...
