
Search results

  1. Spring Bird Walk in Secrest Arboretum April 9

    main campus entrance. Call 330-464-2148 for more information. Secrest Arboretum holds bird walks every ...

  2. Soybeans Shine Amid A Questionable Season

    released, Beuerlein believes the state managed to maintain the U.S. Department of Agriculture's ... central and northeast regions of the state saw below-average yields due to drought conditions experienced ... but the area up north saw up to 7 inches below normal of rain during the months of July, August and ...

  3. Scarlet, Gray, Green Fair Student Winners Announced

    effort to teach about sustainability. Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ...

  4. Ohio State Ag Alumni Honor Long-time Leading Turkey Researcher

    earned his doctorate in poultry genetics from Ohio State in 1964 then worked for the university’s ... honored for his achievements in improving turkey breeding lines, specifically in the areas of body weight, ... demand for use in research studies around the world. Nestor joined OARDC as an assistant instructor in ...

  5. Board of Trustees’ Ag Committee Visits OARDC Campus

    in Wooster late last month (4/26). Committee members had a chance to learn about a variety of ...

  6. Grad Students Honored at OARDC Annual Conference

    genetic similarity to extant clones of animal origin." Advisor: Srinand Sreevatsan. • Second place: ... bacteria for the control of grape phylloxera (Homoptera: Phylloxeridae): A novel approach." Advisors: ...

  7. OSU Extension Offering Cow/Calf School in November

    economist. • Nov. 23 – Feeding options for wintering calves and yearlings, presented by Francis Fluharty, OSU ... Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. The cost for the event is $5 per person ... for all four classes. For more information, contact Steve Schumacher at (740) 695-1455, Mark Landefeld ...

  8. OSU Extension Offers Workshop on Pumpkin Production

    September 30, 2008 PIKETON, Ohio-- Learn the tricks of the trade for growing quality pumpkins ... techniques for growing and managing pumpkins. The tour will also include classroom sessions on new pumpkin ... Piketon, Ohio. For more information, contact Julie Strawser at (740) 289-2071, ext. 223 or e-mail ...

  9. Sen. Brown, USDA Official Scuse Visit OARDC

    Agriculture Deputy Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services, visited the Ohio Agricultural ... farmers from across the state, discussing strategies for improving government agricultural programs and ...

  10. Agricultural Economics Outlook Meetings Set

    logging on to, or by contacting Stan Ernst, AEDE Outreach Program ...
