
Search results

  1. OSU Extension Annual Conference – RFP Due Oct. 9

    Direct link to submission site    ...

  2. What Will it be Today: Conflict, Compete, Collaborate?

    conflict due to different personality and communication styles. We can choose to ignore or accelerate ... conflict with others, or we can choose to allow conflict to make the positive changes within our ... • Understand why conflict in the workplace happens. • Identify the ways cooperation increases productivity. ...

  3. Noble County Will be the Site of a New JobsOhio Project

    A new Caldwell industrial park will soon be developed just east of I-77, thanks to extensive work by Gwynn Stewart, educator, community development, in Noble County and numerous local stakeholders and other partners. ...

  4. 4-H Camp BuckeyeFunder

    continue to financially invest in our physical camps for the future – helping to maintain our on-site camp ...

  5. Blanket Approvals for Virtual Conferences

    after Sept. 7. Life members = $50. Non-members = $150.  Here is a  link  to the registration site and conference ...

  6. National Conference on Diversity, Race and Learning (virtual) – May 3 and 4

    a Verb: The Journey to Equity and Inclusive Excellence. Visit the conference event site for more ...

  7. What Will it be Today: Conflict, Compete, Collaborate?

    conflict due to different personality and communication styles. We can choose to ignore or accelerate ... conflict with others, or we can choose to allow conflict to make the positive changes within our ... Understand why conflict in the workplace happens. Identify the ways cooperation increases productivity. ...

  8. Ohio JCEP and Professional Association Membership Reminder

    professional association) after the membership survey closes. The online registration site will close on ...

  9. Conflict Management for Managers, Supervisors, and Team Leaders

    Directors/Administrators, "Front-line" Staff   Why attend? Conflict is a part of our lives and is one of the ... within their respective organizations or companies on dealing with conflict. Leaders who increase their ... knowledge of conflict management have a stronger capacity to help others develop their own conflict skills ...

  10. Leading in Jeans: Millennial Unconventional Leadership in a Multi-Generational Workforce online

    have an unconventional supervisory style, which can be a source of inspiration... or conflict. To be an ...
