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  1. Communication in Coalitions

    difficulties. Poor communication, on the other hand, can result in turf disputes, interpersonal conflict and ... interpersonal conflict objectives foundations for effective communication Community Development ...

  2. Soil Sampling to Develop Nutrient Recommendations

    program is to maximize economic return while minimizing potential off-site environmental impacts. A soil ... Each laboratory was sent 3–5 subsamples from these 10 sites. Of the 13 laboratories, 12 laboratories ... University. Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station. (2015).  ...

  3. Post Corn, Going to Soybean: Use Cereal Rye

    _Herbicide_Rotation_Restrictions_WEB.pdf Cover Crop Selector Tool, — available ... Wisconsin Extension publication). ...

  4. Processed Meats, Red Meats and Colorectal Cancer Risk

    poultry, such as chicken, turkey, duck and goose, among others. Both red meat and white meat can be either ... processed meat. WHO Press Release No. 240. Retrieved from: ...

  5. Shiitake Mushroom Production: Inoculating Logs with Spawn

    the ground. If logs are stacked in contact with the ground, select a well-drained site with good air ... and one to seal the inoculation sites. A fourth person can be useful in moving logs from one ... sawdust spawn) paraffin/cheese wax/plastic foam (for sealing inoculation sites) heat source (for melting ...

  6. Using Soil Electrical Conductivity (EC) to Delineate Field Variation

    (PPI).$FILE/SSMG-30.pdf Gunzenhauser, ... EC variation maps using them as base spatial layers for site-specific management of inputs, practices ... traverses a field, data are collected typically at one-second intervals. These data are recorded to a file ...

  7. Testing Private Water Sources and Resolving Contamination Issues near Shale Oil and Gas Development

    water well records. Since 1945, Ohio law has required a driller to file a well log with the state upon ... maintains a listing of drinking water standards: ... call the ODNR Field Office for the appropriate county or may file a written questionnaire with ODNR. ...

  8. Farming with Lower Extremity Amputation

    injuries to occur because decreased padding or scar tissue around the injury site may not tolerate usual ... Cooperative Extension. About AgrAbility Based Fact ... referral materials such as this fact sheet, along with on-site assessment, technical assistance, and ...

  9. Spray Irrigation of Reclaimed Wastewater for Rural Homes

    options to eliminate discharges. Consider an onsite spray irrigation system for sites where off-lot ... where trenches or mounds are dangerous to install. sites with shallow soils to a limiting condition—as ... irrigation systems, see Ohio State University Extension Bulletin 912 On-Site Sprinkler Irrigation of Treated ...

  10. Safe Use of Hand-Held Tools for Trainers and Supervisors

    Crowbars and screwdrivers. Hand hooks, files, and scrapers. Each of these tools might be in your toolbox, ... used only for jobs that require prying. Files must be cleaned with a file card after use. Do not strike ... the file against another piece of metal. Hand hooks must be kept sharp to prevent slipping when in ...
