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Chow Line: Eggs make frozen custard smoother (for 7/27/08)
Extension. Martha Filipic Jim Harper chowcustard.pdf ...
Chow Line: Eating 'on automatic' hard to overcome (for 5/3/09)
Ecology. Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer chowautomatic.pdf ...
Chow Line: Eat right to lower blood cholesterol (for 9/19/10)
Center. Martha Filipic Martha Belury chow.cholesterol.pdf ...
Chow Line: Choosing syrup can be sticky (for 3/14/10)
Julie Shertzer chowmaplesyrup.pdf ...
Chow Line: Brown rice, not white, a whole grain (for 5/16/10)
Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer chow.rice_.pdf ...
Chow Line: Corn or flour tortilla? Choose best of either (for 11/2/08)
in the College of Education and Human Ecology. Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer chowtortillas.pdf ...
Chow Line: Count up fat, calories for chicken with skin (for 2/28/10)
chowchickenbreast.pdf ...
Chow Line: Alternate-day fast not a proven diet (for 11/29/09)
Filipic Gail Kaye chowfastdiet.pdf ...
Chow Line: Calcium difficult for body to absorb (for 5/25/08)
Martha Filipic Robert DiSilvestro chowcalciumfiber.pdf ...
What Will It Be Today: Conflict, Compete, Collaborate?