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  1. Forestry and the Carbon Market Response to Stabilize Climate

    stabilize.pdf ...

  2. Federal, State and Local Programs to Protect Farmland

    matter. By Lawrence Libby Policy brief Thursday, November 13, 2003 Fells Point Paper.pdf C. William Swank ...

  3. Agriculture + Politics = A Perfect Internship

    live. Throughout my summer I was able to see all the sites, hit up some local favorites and even run ...

  4. Growth and Change: Closing Ohio's Knowledge Worker Gap to Build a 21st Century Economy

    2008 Education_policy_brief_updated_Sept_26_0.pdf C. William Swank Program in Rural-Urban Policy ...

  5. THE 2010 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY USED FARM MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT SURVEY: U.S. Farmers’ Attitudes and Opinions about Sales via Auction, Dealer, Classified Ad and the Internet

    Report2.pdf ...

  6. Northwest Nutrient Management and Placement Field Day

    reach a field’s potential but limit the exposure to losses off-site that affect water quality.” Harmful ...

  7. Western Nutrient Management and Placement Field Day

    reach a field’s potential but limit the exposure to losses off-site that affect water quality.” Harmful ...

  8. Tails Curtailed: Accounting for Nonlinear Dependence in Pricing Margin Insurance for Dairy Farmers

    2014 Am. J. Agr. Econ.-2014-Bozic-ajae_aau033.pdf ...

  9. Impacts of Climate Change on Forest Product Markets: Implications for North American Producers

    January 1, 2005 Impacts of Climate Change on Forest Product Markets.pdf ...

  10. The Influence of Conversion of Forest Types on Carbon Sequestration and other Ecosystem Services in the South Central United States

    Carbon Sequestration and other.pdf ...
