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Class Spotlight: HCS 3100
variety of academic paths for you to choose from... PICK YOUR PATH agronomy class ... Ready to get into the field of agronomy (quite literally)? You're in luck, check out HCS ... 3100 Intro to Agronomy where you'll be introduced to row crop and forage agricultural production ...
Class Spotlight: HCS 2307
your career, we have a wide variety of academic paths for you to choose from... PICK YOUR PATH ... Experience where you'll get to learn the basic theory, practical skills, and tools associated with ... teamwork and leadership. HCS 2307 centers on small-scale vegetable production and you'll even get to ...
Student Spotlight: Sarah Hoak
ready to grow your career, we have a wide variety of academic paths for you to choose from... PICK YOUR ... In today's student spotlight we'd like to introduce you to Sarah Hoak! Sarah’s a third ... of the first students to join our Sustainable Agriculture major that launched in the Fall of 2022. In ...
Shared Harvest
Shared Harvest is preparing boxes to be distributed to Darke County residents for this hands-free ... to attend this event and receive food. Anyone picking up food should drive to the distribution site ... during the appropriate hours. We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the ...
Shared Harvest
Shared Harvest is preparing boxes to be distributed to Darke County residents for this hands-free ... to attend this event and receive food. Anyone picking up food should drive to the distribution site ... during the appropriate hours. We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the ...
HCS Alumni Spotlight: Annie Glaser
Annie had time to share a bit about her career + some advice for anyone considering pursuing a career ... I wanted to be a grower and work in a greenhouse. How did your time in HCS help prepare you for your ... experience, I was able to prepare for the future by shaping my expectations of work-life balance. The ...
All New FFA Scholarships!
announce we are now offering scholarships of up to $10,000 for the top teams and top individual winners in ... 3 Teams in Agronomy + Floriculture $10K scholarships to the first-place team members $8K scholarships for ... academic semesters with us. Qualifying students should simply send an email to Bri Schneider ...
Cover Crops in the Home Garden
cover crops. He will discuss which cover crop is best for your garden and how to go about planting, ... growing, and terminating the crop. For more information, please contact Caden at (937) 548-5215 or email ...
Bob Jones, Jr. Receives CFAES Distinguished Alumni Award
Congratulations to Bob Jones, Jr. on receiving the College of Food, Agricultural, and ... co-owner and CEO of The Chef’s Garden. Each year, CFAES recognizes alumni leaders that, through their ...
HCS Alumni Spotlight: Annie Glaser
Meet Annie Click here to learn more about Annie What's it like to be the general manager of ...