
Search results

  1. Field Day for Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    Go to  for details and registration information. The day will ... Rd. Custar, OH is targeted for those who utilize fertilizer and manure in crop production. ... feature: Field demonstrations that include: Equipment for granular fertilizer placement and late season ...

  2. Team Science Workshop

    Federal agencies are increasingly allocating funding to address societal grand challenges. ... Hayes-Ozello, will be located in Columbus. Click to register. ...

  3. Impact of Frost on Soybean and Corn Survival

    assessed for damage at least five days after suspected injury to inspect for regrowth. If damage occurred ... to 28 degrees F or lower for even a few minutes. Effects of low temperatures on germination are far ... Soybean: Last Monday, May 16, air temperatures dropped to high 20s/low 30s causing some freeze ...

  4. Is it Phytophthora stem rot? Is it flooding injury? Or is it both?

    It can take a while for some pathogens to develop symptoms and impact their hosts, and by the end ... is not going to be possible for Rps1a.  Rps1c, Rps1k, and Rps3a are now recognized by the P. sojae ... a different scoring system – most are on a 1 to 9 scale where 1 is perfect growth, no root rot (this is for ...

  5. Farmers asked to respond to survey on Natural Gas Grain Drying

    Farmers have long explored options to provide energy savings associated with their agricultural ... operations. Ohio State University and the Ohio Soybean Council have partnered to provide research-based data ... driven tools to help Ohio farmers assess and navigate various energy infrastructure investment options ...

  6. Let It Grow, Let It Grow

    The weather continues to be favorable for the majority of the state as mainly dry conditions ... along with temperatures well above normal for late May. Temperatures soared into the double digits above ... in the form of isolated, albeit heavy convection causing problems for a few, while leaving most ...

  7. Weather outlook

    precipitation. The risk for last spring freezes appears on track to be about normal which means the last hard ... After a very warm March with temperatures 5-10 degrees above normal, April got off to a cold start ... week break with lots of sunshine, warmer temperatures and drier conditions should allow for some needed ...

  8. Fungicide Use on Alfalfa

    This week I was asked about applying fungicides to alfalfa because of the wet weather pattern we ... are experiencing. There are indeed some foliar fungicides that are labelled for alfalfa. The benefit ... to their use depends greatly on the weather conditions, with positive yield responses occurring when ...

  9. Undergraduate Agronomic Crop Internship Program

    to conduct on-farm research. The Agronomic Crop Research Experience (ACRE) interns are placed in ... county offices throughout the state and work with county educators and state specialists to support ... agronomists, 2) empowering locally-directed on-farm research, and 3) identifying solutions to critical ...

  10. Tips for avoiding dietary pitfalls during the holidays

    The holidays can be a busy and stressful time, with temptations to indulge all around. Here are ... some tips for enjoying the holidays while avoiding dietary pitfalls. ...
