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  1. 2015 OPRA Student Conference

    the agenda includes a day-long session for students. The link below highlights the student agenda, ... which includes the luncheon for all conference attendees and keynote speaker Shannon Miller, Olympic ... gold medal gymnast.   SENR is extending an invitation to our students to attend this professional ...

  2. Examining the agricultural producer identity: utilising the collective occupational identity construct to create a typology and profile of rural landholders in Victoria, Australia

    producer identity: utilising the collective occupational identity construct to create a typology and ...

  3. This Might end up being a Low Foliar Disease Year in Corn

    concerned about the potential for major epidemics of these diseases in 2015. However, conditions have since ... spread to the upper leaves. Even NCLB, a disease known to affect the upper leaves during the last two ... months of the season, appears to be low in 2015. Typical lesions of GLS are rectangular in shape and are ...

  4. We have Nematodes in our Corn Fields

    surveyed for plant-parasitic nematodes during the 2013 and 2014 growing seasons. In each year, soil samples ... identified and counted. Ten major morphological types were found, with populations ranging from 0 to 1,164 ... rotation practices. Dagger and ring nematodes tended to be more common in soil region 6, whereas lance, ...

  5. Tip #2- Attend a Resume Workshop

    discuss how to write a great resume for the upcoming Environmental and Sustainability Career Expo and how ... As part of our Countdown to Expo- a resume workshop is coming up! The workshop will review and ... Call 614-292-2265 to schedule an appointment with Trish in ENR or call 614-292-6891 to schedule an ...

  6. Experimental and field evaluation of otolith strontium as a marker to discriminate between river-spawning populations of walleye in Lake Erie

    a marker to discriminate between river-spawning populations of walleye in Lake Erie. Canadian Journal of ...

  7. Spatial Inequalities in the Fiscal Distribution of the U.S. Welfare State

    Distribution of the U.S. Welfare State. Federal “welfare state” programs contribute to the development and ... examine how the money associated with these programs is distributed sub-nationally. It is important to ... long-term economic development and well-being of under-served communities. This dissertation contributes to ...

  8. Tip #1- What to Wear

    other thrift stores close to campus often have a great selection of very nice brand name clothing for ... very little money. You shoud be able to outfit yourself for $20 or less.     ... Tip #1- What to Wear to Expo and other career-related events or opportunities Business Casual ...

  9. Blood Drive

    Donate blood in the Ag. Admin Auditorium for the CFAES blood drive to help OSU beat PSU in the 5th ... annual Fight for Life blood drive competition! Please schedule an appointment at Search ... sponsor code buckeyes then the date (4/1) or call 1-800-RED CROSS. Giving blood is an easy way to ...

  10. Growing Season Adversely Affected Ear Development

    are the last to be pollinated and cannot compete as effectively for nutrients as kernels formed ... Excessive rainfall (which contributed to N loss and poor root development) followed by late season ... kernel development is associated with variability in plant growth within fields that is related to ...
