
Search results

  1. Outreach and Engagement Forum

    with members of our local, national and international communities. The Forum is free to attend and open ... to the public. ...

  2. Behind the Scenes at Farm Science Review Breakfast- Miami County

    Join us for breakfast followed by a behind the scenes presentation on the Farm Science Review by ...

  3. Better Process Control School, Columbus

    and container closure evaluation programs for low-acid and acidified canned foods. Registration is ...

  4. Lisa and Dan Wampler Provide Endowed Fellowship

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences to establish the Lisa and Dan Wampler Endowed Fellowship for Food and ... Dan Wampler, President and Founder of Sensus, donated $1.2 million to the College of Food, ...

  5. OSU Weed Science Field Tour

    also, as usual, the opportunity to view studies of interest on your own.  The cost is $30, which ... includes the tour book and lunch.  Payment can be via cash or check the day of the event. Please RSVP to ...

  6. Conservation Tillage Breakfast, Mt. Victory

    practices for nutrient management by Cheryl Rice of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources ...

  7. OARDC Small Grain Field Day

    characteristics Opportunities and possibilities for malting barley Small grain cropping systems Small grains as ...

  8. The Ohio and National Economy: 2015

    for the Ohio and national economies in 2015. ...

  9. International Nonthermal Processing Workshop, Columbus

    Program features nonthermal processing systems for healthy and sustainable foods. ...

  10. Tree and Shrub Sale. Wooster

    A variety of trees and shrubs will be available for sale ...
