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  1. Honors Program

    there is not one right way to be an Honors student in SENR....Timing: Some students begin the program ... a social science-based study plan....Degree: Most students join the Honors Program to enhance their ... undergraduate degree. Others use the Honors Program to pursue the combined Bachelor's/Master's ...

  2. OSU Extension Heifer Program Seeing Success

    raising replacement heifers. Go to and click on "Beef Improvement" for ... Development Program provides an outlet for producers to maintain their herd when resources run low and ... opportunity for the program to increase," said Doig. Another new addition to the program will include ...

  3. No-Till, Controlled Traffic: A Winning Combo for Harvest Woes

    evident until later in the growing season. To make matters worse, the effects of compaction can last for ... "For good soil structure, the key to the success with no-till is that it's practiced year after ... December 7, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- The most ideal solution to production problems associated with ...

  4. Take Steps to Reduce Compaction Before Spring Planting

    to get into their fields and prepare the ground for planting," said Reeder, who also holds an ... to smooth the field enough for the planter or drill to operate," said Reeder. "This is no ... time to try deep tillage. Look for signs of compaction during the summer, and then consider subsoiling ...

  5. Iraq/Korean Conflicts May Have Different Impacts on Agriculture

    effects — America’s standing in the international community when it comes time for other countries to ... have to come from somewhere.” More emphasis on alternative fuels, however, would provide support for ... result in the slow-down of imports and exports due to heightened security, and in what we call reputation ...

  6. Properly Manage Glyphosate for Best Weed Control

    which may be up to 10 inches tall. For perennials, however, plants should be sprayed when they are ... larger. "You want perennials in the bud-to-early flowering stage of development for maximum control ... is very difficult to correctly apply glyphosate for all species with a single application. The use of ...

  7. Keep Stand Quality in Mind When Preparing for Planting Season

    well-drained, then it's alright to go ahead and plant, but we emphasize the need for well-drained soils, ... Thomison added that farmers may also want to consider increasing seeding rates by 10-15 percent for ... earlier-than-normal plantings to compensate for seeds that fail to germinate due to cool temperatures and wet soil ...

  8. Slice Your On-Farm Fuel Bill with These Simple Tips

    the correct balance between front and rear axles for peak performance. "You want enough weight to ... a decision between models. For information on tractors built since 1999, log on to ... minutes," said Reeder. "Research shows it's less efficient to keep an engine idling for warmth ...

  9. To Escape a Wet Harvest Plant Early Season Soybeans

    Group 000 to Group 9, and are broken down in one-day intervals using a decimal system. For example, ... that growers select a spectrum of early, medium and full-season varieties for their area to help spread ... season soybean varieties for next year can refer to the Ohio Soybean Performance Trials found at ...

  10. Storm Damage to OARDC Still Being Assessed; Already Looking 'To the Future, to Recovery'

    gratitude for the professionalism of emergency crews: "I want to thank the first responders. I got here ... scheduled for Saturday. Sunday move-in and Welcome Days activities will proceed, and the campus plans to ... the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center on Friday to assess the damage done by ...
