
Search results

  1. Doctoral Student Focuses on Nutritional Requirements of Yellow Perch Larvae with Live Food Enrichments

    in the Great Lakes region that is also highly prized table fare. Grayson seeks to better understand ... the nutritional requirements of yellow perch in early life stages, which he notes is critical to the ...

  2. Capturing Nature’s Wonders, Mansfield

    Workshop on outdoor photography. Registration is $90 and is limited to 12 people. Lunch and dinner ...

  3. Last Day to Drop Classes Using Online Registration

    a change ticket and bring it to 210 Kottman Hall in order to drop the course. You will recieve a W for the ... Today is the last day to drop classes using online registration. After today, you must submit ...

  4. Deadline to Apply for Summer Term 2014 Reinstatement

    Today is the deadline to apply for reinstatement for Summer Term 2014. ...

  5. Deadline to Apply for Spring Semester 2014 Reinstatement

    Today is the deadline to apply for reinstatement for Spring Semester 2014. ...

  6. Deadline to Apply for Fall Semester 2013 Reinstatement

    Today is the deadline to apply for reinstatement for Fall Semester 2013. ...

  7. Your Woods, Water and Wildlife, Medina

     Learn how to keep your woodland healthy. Registration is $35, which includes lunch. Registration ...

  8. Name That Tree, Mansfield

    One day workshop designed to give participants in-depth training and practice on identifying ...

  9. Studying Methanotropic Bacterial Diversity in Ohio Soils Using High-Throughput Sequence Analysis

    at 9:00 a.m. in 333C Kottman Hall with a link to 117A Williams Hall. Aditi will present Studying ... soils to serve as the only known biological sink of atmospheric methane. However, a clear understanding ... land-management practices is lacking. The objective of this study was to characterize the diversity of ...

  10. ENRGP Meet and Greet

    All incoming MENR, MS and PhD students are invited to the "orientation" for the ... the ENRGP, orientation materials, and general overview of the program before getting to know each ...
