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Lep Monitoring Network – Fall Armyworm and Corn Earworm Update
be seeing more larvae. For more information on FAW and the life cycle, refer to our article in last ... -mindful-fall-armyworm-which-could-get-interesting This is our 2 nd week monitoring for FAW in Ohio. The statewide average for FAW increased to 37.7 ... the past few weeks, we plan to only monitor for CEW adults for another week. Corn earworm moth map ...
Agricultural Communication
Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) ACT is a national organization designed for students who want to ... and public speaking to promote a broader public understanding of agriculture and our ... News Reporter Photographer Sales and Advertising Associate Television/Radio Broadcaster Web Developer ...
Dr. Radin Sadre Selected for the STARS Cohort
Environmental Sciences". We sat down for a quick chat with Dr. Sadre to get her thoughts on this exciting ... bioengineering approaches to reconstruct the production of our target compounds in other organisms for human ... Congratulations to the ten College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) ...
Kavya Sekar Susitha
sustainable crop production and aligns with my long-term passion for making impactful contributions to ...
Addie Knight
2029 Research Focus: I plan to study the impact of resistance to Fusarium wilt in tomatoes on the ... analogous effectors to those produced by Fusarium may be affected by race 2 and 3 resistance, and how that ... in turn may affect host fitness and fruit yield. Why OSU? OSU is a great school for agriculture, and ...
Ian Lastoria Fischer
for OSU? June 2024 What do you like to do in your free time? In my free time, I enjoy participating in ... Sunchoke is now considered native to the northern United States and is often regarded as a weed by ... producers due to its aggressive and rapid growth. We recognize its significant nutritional value, ...
Statewide Slug Monitoring Project – Update #2 Despite the growing concern, little is known about slug populations across Ohio. To better ... shingle secured to the ground with tent stakes. These traps provide a refuge for slugs to hide under ... due to the nocturnal nature of slugs. During the day they take shelter under leaf litter and other ...
Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 21- Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus
Episode 21 of Battle for the Belt is now available: In ... soybean vein necrosis virus. If you would like to read more about the virus please click on the link below ... to read a recent newsletter article by Dr. Lopez-Nicora, Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus and Downy Mildew ...
Amber Emmons
I can work towards my doctorate while I continue to work for OSU Extension.- Any- Journal article ... weed seed bank. The second part of my project will be to look at how harvest weed seed control can ... classes I took and am excited to now get to work with her and Dr. Eugene Law. It also works well because ...
Clay Miller Clay is an alumnus of The Ohio State University (c/o 2018), graduating with a B.S. in Psychology, ... student Comprehensive Care Clinics. In March of 2020, he transitioned within the College of Dentistry to ... become the Program Assistant for SMS (the Sterilization Monitoring Service), an independent business that ...