
Search results

  1. iTunes U Introduction to Environmental Science recognized by Apple

    Ohio State's iTunes U course Introduction to Environmental Science has been named by Apple as ...

  2. ACT Potato Bar Fundraiser

    Come to the ACT (Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow) fundraiser to enjoy a delicous potato bar ...

  3. Department Roundup 2016 05 24

    ⇒ Ongoing Training for Faculty and Staff at Ohio State ⇒Grant Opportunities ⇒ Animal Sciences ...

  4. The potential of controlled traffic farming to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and enhance carbon sequestration in arable land: A critical review

    farming to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and enhance carbon sequestration in arable land: A critical ...

  5. The Glenn Colloquium Series

    funded primarily through a regional economic development corporation was handed over to a new ... Clemente Scotto and his team sought to teach politicians and citizens alike how to construct ... a participatory democracy that included shifting the city's reason for being from "supporting a grand ...

  6. Graduate Exit Seminar

    A Graduate Exit Seminar for Thursday, June 13, 2013 Time: 9:30 a.m. Location: 245 Kottman Hall ... Speaker:  Mauricio Javier Rodriguez Title:  The Social Bases of the Vote for the Left in Ecuador 2002-2006 ... political sociology studies attributed these changes to a generalized reaction against neoliberal policies ...

  7. Scarlet and Gray Ag Day

    State University on Friday,  April 19th, 2013  from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. Nearly 400 fourth and fifth ... graders from central Ohio will journey to the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences ... Campus to spend the entire day rotating through hands-on science based sessions and learning all about ...

  8. Grazing Twi-Light Tour

    Join us for a twi-light tour that will include a look at the Wolfinger's solar well pump, ...

  9. SENR Honors Thesis Presentation: Interdisciplinary Collaboration

    for many of today’s pressing questions particularly those related to the environment, yet little ... sciences, and the humanities. This disciplinary approach has contributed to the development of a substantial ... societal problems are complex, non-linear, and dynamic, and require integrated approaches to gain a richer ...

  10. Drying Fruits and Vegetables: Home Canning and Food Safety Class

    Click here for the complete line up of 2016 Home Canning and Food Safety Classes ...
