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Laser Tag with Sigma Alpha
Come to the Sigma Alpha house (1975 Indianola Ave) and join the ladies and Delta Theta Sigma for ...
Ohio Cattlemen BEST Show Program
Zero tolerance required for prevention of Palmer amaranth problems
in Arkansas cotton fields to determine the effect over time of releasing 20,000 glyphosate-resistant ... represent only 2% of the possible seed from one plant, so this would appear to be an underestimation of ... future problems. However, glyphosate was the only herbicide used for several years after the ...
This Might end up being a Low Foliar Disease Year in Corn
concerned about the potential for major epidemics of these diseases in 2015. However, conditions have since ... spread to the upper leaves. Even NCLB, a disease known to affect the upper leaves during the last two ... months of the season, appears to be low in 2015. Typical lesions of GLS are rectangular in shape and are ...
We have Nematodes in our Corn Fields
surveyed for plant-parasitic nematodes during the 2013 and 2014 growing seasons. In each year, soil samples ... identified and counted. Ten major morphological types were found, with populations ranging from 0 to 1,164 ... rotation practices. Dagger and ring nematodes tended to be more common in soil region 6, whereas lance, ...
Register Now for Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Conference
a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Ohio Department of Agriculture in Reynoldsburg, OH. The program focus is “Take ... West Virginia University, He will discuss pasture ecology and animal responses to grazing management, ... including rotational and “mob-stocking.” Dr. Rayburn will also discuss best management practices for plastic ...
Research from Alessandra Faggian Examines Job Market Success of Creative Class Graduates in the UK
aimed to analyze the differences in career patterns and labor market performance for creative graduates ... How do those in the creative class in the UK fare in the job market in comparison to their peers? ... Jewell from the University of Reading, and Ursula Kelly from the University of Strathclyde, attempt to ...
Webinar-Agronomic Utilization of Manure Nutrients
A series of 4 webinars will be made available in 2015 for Ohio Crop Farmers. This is the fourth ... program with the focus on agronomic utilization manure with the topics of manure as a nutrient source for ... crops and alternative application timing to take advantage of nitrogen. 2015 Corn, Soybean and Wheat ...
Growing Season Adversely Affected Ear Development
are the last to be pollinated and cannot compete as effectively for nutrients as kernels formed ... Excessive rainfall (which contributed to N loss and poor root development) followed by late season ... kernel development is associated with variability in plant growth within fields that is related to ...
Frozen Foods: Freezing and Storage, Columbus
This two day course is designed for the frozen food industry to give an in depth understanding of ...