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  1. Damian Beauchamp Speaks with ENR Scholars

    Chemistry at Ohio State, and has received national attention and awards for his work with KAir Battery. ... Scholars on March 3rd (in Pomerene 306), followed by questions and discussion. All are welcome to join and ...

  2. Gender Initiative Skill Workshop, Columbus & Wooster

    Gender Initiative Skill Workshop,  Effective Negotiation: Strategies to help avoid, “I wish ...

  3. Student Profile: Caitlyn Black

    Caitlyn talks about her decision to come to The Ohio State University and about the great ...

  4. Dormant Pruning Workshop, Wooster

    how to begin pruning, which branches to prune and how much to prune. Registration is $50. ...

  5. Normativity in Reasoning

    The OSU Center for Ethics and Human Values welcomes John Broome, White's Professor of Moral ... a belief with the normative content that we ought to follow the rule, or have a reason to follow it. ... normative ethics and metaethics, and economics. In addition to numerous articles, he is the author of:  ...

  6. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    describe: Predicted climate for the Maumee Basin through 2099 How climate change is likely to affect river ... larger, there are few studies linking predicted climate and watershed models to examine this issue. This ... models and HABs models to predict the frequency and magnitude of HABs through 2099.

This webinar will ...

  7. Lunch & Learn: Winter Bird Feeding

    program will begin at 11:00 with a light lunch and presentations will begin at 11:30 a.m. and last for one ... hour. Please call your reservations to OSU Extension at 740-653-5419 X 0 by January 16. Registration fee ...

  8. Stan Gehrt quoted in Dispatch article focused on foxes

    "Foxes move into the neighborhood." The article discusses how foxes are being pushed to build dens ... closer to humans in central Ohio neighborhoods to avoid coyotes. “You will see them more and more ... frequently,” said Gehrt. “They’re trying to figure out which is more dangerous, coyotes or people. Coyotes are ...

  9. Drying Foods at Home

    Family & Consumer Sciences Educator. To register, call the OSU Extension office at 740-652-7260 or ... email Kelley Scott at Click here to download or share this promotional flyer! ...

  10. Spring 2014 SENR Seminar Series

    generally hostile to bobwhites throughout their range. Yet the species persists (for now) at low densities ... Adaptive Challenge for Wildlife Management? Northern bobwhites (Colinus viginianus) are an iconic bird of ... their adaptability to a wide range of environmental conditions, bobwhites are declining in nearly all ...
