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  1. Secrest After Hours, Wooster

    Selecting and Planting Trees for a Quaility Environment, followed by a guided walk and ...

  2. The Evolving Role of the School of Environment and Natural Resources: Addressing Environmental Change

    Symposium Purpose The overarching purpose of this symposium is to engage the diversity of School of ... leadership in response to the growing list of 21st Century environmental and natural resource challenges. ... environmental quality and sustainably managing the planet’s natural resources has grown to the point where many ...

  3. SENR Honors Thesis Presentation: Effects of Honeysuckle

    for each guild. Weak evidence was found to show that treating honeysuckle had a positive effect on the ... Ohio and grows well in Ohio’s forest ecosystems. This study attempted to assess the effect of treating ... birds is important because it can help to preserve threatened species or assist managers in making ...

  4. Aditi Sengupta's Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    2:00 p.m. in 123 Williams Hall with a video link to 333C Kottman Hall. Her presentation will be Soil ... of soil to provide ecosystem services is dependent on microbial diversity, with 80-90% of the ... have reported about 10000 different bacterial species per gram of soil to a predicted 107 microbial ...

  5. Graduate Exit Seminar

    alternative feeding strategy for practical diet and to determine the maximum use of soybean meals in Atlantic ... sources. As one of the strategies to increase the limited use of PBI, we hypothesize that the ... in fact be similar to the situation in nature, i.e. animals may acquire food from different sources ...

  6. Subscribe


  7. Chainsaw Training Level 2

    a class on how to safely use this dangerous piece of equipment, now is your opportunity to do so! Learn ...

  8. Participatory development of key sustainability concepts for dialogue and curricula at The Ohio State University

    concepts for dialogue and curricula at The Ohio State University.  Sustainability  7(10):14063-14091. ...

  9. Drinking Water: A History

    Moritz College of Law invites you to hear Professor Salzman speak on the topic, "Drinking ... speaker and has deep expertise in this area so I expect the talk to be very engaging. Please join us in ... the Vorys Faculty Lounge in Drinko Hall. Lunch will be provided. To learn more visit ...

  10. Introduction to Home Food Preservation

    Learn the benefits and costs of different types of food preservation. To register, call ...
